Tuesday 9 June 2009

install vmware server 2 on slackware 12

SOURCE: http://www.basicconfig.com/install_vmware_server_slackware
NOTE: this can apply when install vmware server on BT3 Final

if your kenel is 2.6.30 then u need to download patch from http://communities.vmware.com/thread/215985 ( vmware-server.2.0.1_x64-modules-2.6.30-fix.sh (3.5 K)
* vmware-server.2.0.1_x64-modules-2.6.30-fix.patch (8.4 K))

When the installer ask you to run vmware-config.pl, choose no then run the fix. After that, run vmware-config.pl to complete your installation.

VMware installation procedures

Installing vmware in Slackware Linux is quite difficult in the past. Many pre-installation requirements and some tweaks need to be done before proceed the installation. However this time, both vmware 2.0 and Slackware 12.2 have made our job easier. The things left for us are:

1. Download vmware server 2 from official vmware website. If you not already done it, here is the link to get vmware.
2. Install Linux PAM software. You can get Linux PAM package for Slackware from LinuxPakages website.

Finished the tasks above before you continue vmware server 2.0 installation.

Untar vmware server 2.0 source in your installation directory. Normally slackers use /usr/local/src directory, which is in it's own partition created during Slackware installation. It's up to you where to extract vmware server source, but put every added software in one directory location is a good practice to make your system in order and tidy.

root@hitam:~# cd /usr/local/src/
root@hitam:/usr/local/src# tar zxvf /home/slackware/source/VMware-server-2.0.0-122956.i386.tar.gz

Compile vmware server 2:

root@hitam:/usr/local/src# cd vmware-server-distrib/
root@hitam:/usr/local/src/vmware-server-distrib# ls
FILES doc/ installer/ man/ vmware-install.pl@
bin/ etc/ lib/ sbin/ vmware-vix/
root@hitam:/usr/local/src/vmware-server-distrib# ./vmware-install.pl

Everything after those steps above, you just enter and accept default value. It should work and finish without error. But that's not the way to learn Linux, is it? What you can do is read and take notes of each step. That way you know what happen. Here are some things that you should know:

To uninstall vmware server from Slackware, issue the command below (Only if you choose the default directory during vmware server installation):

root@hitam:~# /usr/bin/vmware-uninstall.pl

If you choose to enable vmware server networking, you need to configure host dhcp (which is Slackware) not to interfere with vmware server's dhcp server. You can add the following line in Slackware /etc/dhcpd.conf:

Subnet netmask {
# Note: No range is given, vmnet_dhcpd will deal with this subnet.
# Change the ip address to your vmnet ip address, nat and hostonly.

Seriously, that's all you need to do to install vmware server 2.0 in Slackware 12.2. If vmware server compiled without any error, then we can start vmware server to install guest operating system. If you did take notes during vmware server configuration steps, you should notice that vmware server 2.0 uses web base for administration, setup, etc. The default ports are 902 for remote, 8222 for http and 8333 for https.

So, start kde now if you installed vmware server in terminal. Open firefox and enter localhost:8222 in url:

vmware server open in firefox image

Enter login name and password. The default login name is root if you do not change it during vmware installation.
VMware installation troubleshooting

Although I said earlier that vmware server 2.0 installation in Slackware 12.2 has been easier but that doesn't mean it will go smoothly. If you are lucky to have an error during vmware installation, check log file in /var/log/secure directory. You must have root privilege to run this command.

root@hitam:~# tail -f /var/log/secure

There is only one problem I encountered during vmware server 2.0 installation, which is Login failed due to a bad username or password . The Login failed due to a bad username or password happened when I tried to login vmware control panel with firefox. That problem solved when I installed Linux PAM package.

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