Thursday, 17 June 2010

Disable ipv6 in slackware

open file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add the following line: blacklist ipv6. Then reboot.

How to reset mysql root password on slackware 13.1

Step # 1: Stop the MySQL server process.
/etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld stop

Step # 2: Start the MySQL (mysqld) server/daemon process with the --skip-grant-tables option so that it will not prompt for password.
mysqld_safe --skip-grant tables &

Step # 3: Connect to mysql server as the root user.
mysql --user=root mysql

Step # 4: Setup new mysql root account password.
UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD("newpwd") WHERE user="root";

Step # 5: Restart the MySQL server.
/etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld restart

Step # 6: Log on mysql with the new password
mysql --user=root --password=newpwd

There's not enough disk space

If u see this error message when changing the owner of files and folders, check Quota. (Windows 2003)

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

vmware tools in slackware 13.1 guests

-install linux pam package or create the folder /etc/pam.d to "satisfy" vmware :)

It seems that 2.6.33 places certain files to a different location than the previous kernel versions. A new directory called include/generated contains some header files (utsrelease.h, autoconf.h among others) which vmware tries to locate from a different location (include/linux).
So for a quick fix I created a couple of symlinks to include/generated to satisfy vmware.

> Cd / usr / src / linux / include / linux /
> #ln -sf ../generated/autoconf.h
> #ln-sf .. /generated/utsrelease.h

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

vmware server 2.0.2 and slackware 13.1 (kernel

vmware server + linux 2.6.33.x: here is the "poor man" solution:

First, You should use the 2.6.32.xx instructions at

Then instead of patching all the linux/autoconf.h, you should simply create some missing symbolic links on you src. tree:

For example, if you have the src put in /usr/src/Linux/Kernel/linux-, cd in subdir include/linux

cd /usr/src/Linux/Kernel/linux-;

Make the necessary sybolic links

ln -s ../generated/utsrelease.h; ln -s ../generated/autoconf.h

That's all: reinstall as the usual the vmware server


If you have some problems with the console firefox plugin, there are 2 solutions:

solution1: you should add the entry


to the script, like the sample patch

{noformat} #diff -Naur
--- 2009-12-22 17:17:25.000000000 +0100
+ 2010-03-31 15:34:00.082889804 +0200
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@

# Clean GTK setup for VMWare
# Find console executable in Firefox plugins.
vmrc="{color:#007800}$(find "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox" -name vmware-vmrc -type f -perm -111 | tail -1)"
{color:#7a0874} -x "{color:#007800}$vmrc" {color:#7a0874} || exit 1{noformat}{noformat}

solution2: add {noformat}{noformat} export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1
{noformat}{noformat}in the second line of the file $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/yourprofile/.extensions/

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Cannot install sql server 2003 sp3

Please go through this link


As mentioned in the above link..

1) Download the Pstools from the below link

2) Copy it to the server and from command prompt( go to the path where u saved the Pstools)
type -- psgetsid \\servername

SID value will be displayed.

Ex: SID for \\servername:

Copy the above SID value..

3) go to command prompt.. type regedit

go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\Setup

replace SID value for below groups with the above SID value by right clicking the particular group -> click modify -> paste the new SID value -> click OK


modify the existing SID value with the above SID value
To modify SID value of ASGroup

go to


Where MSSQL.X may be MSSQL.2 / MSSQL.3

modify the existing SID value with the above SID value

and start the installation.. it will work

Rich info on M$ license

Thursday, 25 March 2010

"An error occurred either in Outlook or SharePoint. Contact the SharePoint site administrator. HTTP 400."

Fix - "An error occurred either in Outlook or SharePoint. Contact the SharePoint site administrator. HTTP 400." when Synching MOSS 2007 with Outlook
Today I chose the option to Synch with Outlook 2007 (on a Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 image) from one of my SharePoint calendars in the same Virtual PC). However, the calendar items were not appearing in the Outlook version of the calendar. When I clicked Send/Receive, I kept getting this error:

Task 'SharePoint' reported error (0x8000FFFF) : 'An error occurred either in Outlook or SharePoint. Contact the SharePoint site administrator. HTTP 400.'

The fix which worked for me is to stop the System Event Notification Service and Start it again

1.At a command prompt, type "net stop sens" and Enter
2.Then to restart it, type "net start sens".

Friday, 22 January 2010

Sharepoint 2007 - UNC access - "You were not connected because a Duplicate Name exists on the Network"

Alright figured it out - you have to enable Webclient service on the server and restart the server.

I guess "You were not connected because a Duplicate Name exists on the Network"  is one of those Microsoft errors that doesn't help much.



Tuesday, 19 January 2010

VMware Workstation 7 and Slackware 13 (kernel 2.6.32)

Download the bundle file from and install it.
When you got error message when compiling, go to and download the two attached files.
Run the file

Sunday, 17 January 2010

xvnkb and slackware 13

Get xvnkb from here:

compile as instructed:
# ./configure
# make && make install

Download unicode font from here:

Change slackware default settings to support unicode (/etc/profile.d/
export LANG=en-US.UTF-8

Thursday, 14 January 2010

mount.ntfs consumes 100% CPU

have high cpu usage problem for your vmware application which runs on linux and the virtual machine files in NTFS partition,

you have to add:

mainMem.useNamedFile= FALSE"

to your .vmx file of you virtual machine.

this will solve the high cpu usage of mount.ntfs-3g.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

install vmware server 2.0.2 on slackware 13 (kernel 2.6.32)



The following are instructions on how to apply the patch:

Download the VMware Server:

Download the VMware Server update patch:

$ wget -N

Extract VMware Server:

$ tar -xzf VMware-server-2.0.2-203138.i386.tar.gz

Extract VMware Server modules:

Change working directory to vmware-server-distrib/lib/modules/source/
$ tar -xf vmci.tar
$ tar -xf vmmon.tar
$ tar -xf vmnet.tar
$ tar -xf vsock.tar

Apply the patch:

Change working directory to vmware-server-distrib/
patch -p1 < ../VMware-server-2.0.2-203138-update.patch

Change working directory to vmware-server-distrib/lib/modules/source/
$ rm -f vmci.tar
$ rm -f vmmon.tar
$ rm -f vmnet.tar
$ rm -f vsock.tar

* cd vmnet-only
* vim vnetUserListener.c
* go to the last include line
* add this line #include “compat_sched.h”

Archive VMware Server modules again:
$ tar -cf vmci.tar vmci-only/
$ tar -cf vmmon.tar vmmon-only/
$ tar -cf vmnet.tar vmnet-only/
$ tar -cf vsock.tar vsock-only/

Run installer script as root:

Change working directory to vmware-server-distrib/
$ sudo ./

Note about VMware Remote Console Plug-in:

The VMware Remote Console Plug-in does not work properly on Ubuntu 9.10, Fedora 12 and other newer distributions. A workaround for this is to set the environment variable VMWARE_USE_SHIPPED_GTK before running the VMware Remote Console Plug-in. To set this environment variable at login time, add the following line to your ~/.profile:


install package linux-pam
rename the file /etc/pam.d/vmware-authd.slack to "other"
open the file and change the link to your lib folder where containing pam lib files (lib/security)

How to umount when the device is busy

It happens all the time doesn’t it? You need to unmount a CD or you want to pack away the external drive but when you try to umount it you get the dreaded “device is busy” message. Wouldn’t it be great if Linux actually told you what was keeping the drive busy? Here we are in 2008, I’m using Ubuntu Gutsy, and that message hasn’t changed in all the years I’ve used Linux.

# umount /media/disk/
umount: /media/disk: device is busy
umount: /media/disk: device is busy

First thing you’ll do will probably be to close down all your terminals and xterms but here’s a better way. You can use the fuser command to find out which process was keeping the device busy:

# fuser -m /dev/sdc1
/dev/sdc1: 538
# ps auxw|grep 538
donncha 538 0.4 2.7 219212 56792 ? SLl Feb11 11:25 rhythmbox

Rhythmbox is the culprit! Close that down and umount the drive. Problem solved!


Compile TrueCrypt 6.3a in Slackware 13 (kernel 2.6.32)

1. Download truecrypt source (6.3a) from and expand it in a temporary folder. (/tmp)

2. Ftp the files below from and copy them into the truecrypt source directory (/tmp/truecrypt-6.3a-source in my case)


3. Download wxWidgets from: wxAll is what you want.

4. Unpack wxWidgets in the truecrypt source directory.

5. Run the following command from the truecrypt source directory
# make WX_ROOT=/tmp/truecrypt-6.3a-source/wxWidgets-2.8.10 wxbuild

Note: change directories to match your installation

6. Run the following command: make WXSTATIC=1
7. After the compiling is completed, copy the truecrypt file in the Main folder to /usr/bin

Sunday, 10 January 2010

2.6.32 kernel & vmware

For those who choose to try using the 2.6.32 kernel, there are two fixes to get the modules to compile. In each of


add an #include for compat_sched.h. Repackage the .tar files, and VMware will happily compile the modules.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010




Saturday, 2 January 2010

Bypassing Windows Unknown Publisher Verification For Web Downloaded Executables

I was in another day of jumping from a client to a client, securing another bank in Israel when my girlfriend called and said "Honey, I am at the office, I have absolutely nothing to do and I can't connect from here to our computer at home to continue my project". I said, O.K, let's see what we can do on a 5 minute phone call. Now just want to make it clear, my girlfriend is an Information System Instructor, she is no developer or hacker.

Me: "Honey, go to, can you download it?"
Her: "yes, but when I run the setup.exe it says something weired like 'windows has blocked this software because it can't verify the publisher' and it won't let me install"

Me: "O.K, Open Start-Run, type notepad and space, now click on setup.exe and drag it to the text box at Start->Run. Now add ':Zone.Identifier' just before the last quotes. What do you see?"
Her: "I see something like ZoneId=3, now what?"
Me: "I can't talk, going into a meeting, try to change it to 1 or delete everything, bye bye bye"

After 10 minutes I get an SMS "thanks honey it worked!!!".
Well we found a bug, I wouldn't really call it a "Privilege Escalation" but I guess you don't have to be a hacker to bypass windows security restrictions :)