Wednesday 24 December 2014

Show line numbers in VIM

Enable: :set number Disable :set nonumber

Comment/Uncomment multiple lines in Vim

SOURCE: Commenting out a bunch of lines without a vim plugin: Select your lines with VISUAL BLOCK (CTRL-V), then press I to insert before all highlighted lines. Next type your comment character, # (for python, shell, etc). Last press ESC. I forget not frequently used, but helpful VIM commands from time to time. Why not blog it? You can alternatively select your lines with VISUAL LINE (SHIFT-V), then type : s/^/# This tells the selected lines that you wish to substitute the start of the line with the # char.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Install English dictionary on Slackware

Go to and install the package Artha.

slocate: fatal error: Could not find user database '/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db': No such file or directory

You will see this message if you just run the slocate command the first time. Just run the following command to update slocate db: #updatedb

Fix mouse pointer disappeared (touchpad) after suspending

modprobe -r psmouse modprobe psmouse

Unzip multiple .zip files

unzip '*.zip'
( single quotes)

Install new TTF fonts on Slackware 14

1. Copy your ttf fonts to the folder /usr/share/fonts/TTF 2. Run the command to update your fonts cache: fc-cache -f -v