Thursday 29 October 2009

Mobilefone - SMS Locator

Gii thiu dch v SMS Locator

Dịch vụ SMS Locator là gì?
SMS Locator của MobiFone là dịch vụ đầu tiên tại Việt Nam cung cấp địa chỉ (ngân hàng, cơ sở y tế, ẩm thực, giải trí, mua sắm,...) gần với vị trí của bạn nhất thông qua tin nhắn. SMS Locator giúp bạn nhanh chóng và dễ dàng tìm kiếm các địa chỉ bất cứ lúc nào.

Phạm vi cung cấp và tính năng dịch vụ:
Trong thời gian đầu, dịch vụ SMS Locator đựoc cung cấp trong phạm vi 06 thành phố lớn nhất toàn quốc bao gồm: Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Đà Nẵng, Cần Thơ, Hải Phòng, Quảng Ninh.
Bạn có thể tìm kiếm địa chỉ của các dịch vụ sau:

  • Địa chỉ đặt máy ATM gần nhất
  • Địa chỉ các NGÂN HÀNG gần nhất
  • Địa chỉ các cơ sở Y TẾ gần nhất
  • Địa chỉ các quán CAFE gần nhất
  • Địa chỉ các NHÀ HÀNG gần nhất
  • Địa chỉ các KHÁCH SẠN gần nhất
  • Địa chỉ các RẠP CHIẾU PHIM gần nhất
  • Địa chỉ các SIÊU THỊ gần nhất
  • Địa chỉ các trạm XĂNG gần nhất

Dịch vụ sẽ nhanh chóng được mở rộng trên phạm vi toàn quốc và cung cấp thêm ngày càng nhiều các thông tin phong phú và đa dạng để phục vụ bạn tốt nhất.

Lý do để bạn lựa chọn dịch vụ
Bạn không thể nhớ hoặc không biết hết được danh sách các địa điểm đặt ATM, ngân hàng, cây xăng, nhà hàng…. bởi nó quá dài và nhất là khi bạn đi đến 1 địa điểm hoàn toàn không quen thuộc. Dịch vụ SMS Locator xác định được vị trí của bạn, và sẽ cung cấp cho bạn những địa chỉ hữu ích gần bạn nhất để giúp bạn tiết kiệm thời gian và thật chủ động trong mọi tình huống. Chỉ cần soạn tin nhắn và gửi đến 9249.

Hướng dẫn sử dụng dịch vụ
Để biết các địa chỉ dịch vụ bạn cần, soạn tin nhắn: < Tên dịch vụ > gửi 9249. Tên dịch vụ được qui định như sau:


Địa điểm cần tìm

Tên dịch vụ


Máy ATM của ngân hàng bất kì gần nhất



Máy ATM của ngân hàng cụ thể gần nhất

ATM [mã Ngân hàng]


Ngân hàng bất kì gần nhất



Ngân hàng cụ thể gần nhất

NGANHANG [mã Ngân hàng]


Cơ sở y tế gần nhất



Quán café gần nhất



Nhà hàng, quán ăn gần nhất



Khách sạn gần nhất



Rạp chiếu phim gần nhất



Siêu thị gần nhất



Trạm xăng gần nhất



Trợ giúp


Mã Ngân hàng được quy định như sau:


Tên ngân hàng

Mã ngân hàng


Ngân hàng Ngoại thương (Vietcombank)



Ngân hàng Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn (Agribank)



Ngân hàng Kỹ thương (Techcombank)



Ngân hàng Á Châu



Ngân hàng HSBC



Ngân hàng ANZ



Ngân hàng Đông Á



Ngân hàng Quốc tế (VIB Bank)



Ngân hàng Đầu tư và Phát triển



Ngân hàng Công thương



  • Với mỗi bản tin yêu cầu bạn sẽ nhận được tối đa 02 bản tin trả về là thông tin địa chỉ của các dịch vụ gần nhất bạn cần.
  • Để nhận thêm các địa chỉ dịch vụ bạn cần, soạn tin nhắn: < Tên dịch vụ > 1 gửi 9249.

Ví dụ:

  • Bạn đang ở phố Lý Nam Đế và muốn tìm quán CAFE gần nhất, soạn tin CAFE gửi 9249. Dịch vụ SMS Locator sẽ gửi về cho bạn 02 bản tin:
    • Bản tin 1: Cafe TRUNG NGUYEN: 8 Cua Dong, (04)39230988; Cafe HIEU: 23 Cua Dong; Cafe HUYEN: 33 Cua Dong, (04)38287768
    • Bản tin 2: Cafe QUEN: 54 Hang Gai, (04)037831359; Cua hang giai khat BAO LAM: 42 Bat Dan,(0438251800; Cafe internet SONGSINH: 49B Bat Dan, (04)39231329


  • Bạn muốn tìm thêm các quán CAFE gần nhất khác, soạn tin CAFE 1 gửi 9249 Dịch vụ SMS Locator gửi về cho bạn 2 bản tin với nội dung như sau:
    • Bản tin 1: Cafe Internet 71: 71 Hang Dieu, (04)38289172; Cafe THAI: 24 Duong Thanh, (04)39288084
    • Bản tin 2: DARLING Cafe: 33 Hang Quat; Cafe NUOI: 34 Luong Van Can. (04)37716275

Mức cước sử dụng dịch vụ: 2.000 đồng/tin nhắn (đã bao gồm thuế GTGT)

Wednesday 28 October 2009

How to improve disk I/O performances with VMware Workstation



Even on a 2 GB RAM workstation (as mine) VMware virtual machines can run slowly. Too slowly sometimes.

This can depend on a large amount of factors but we can reduce the number to 4 critical issues:

  1. Antivirus real-time protection
    You probably run VMware Workstation on your everyday working computer, and you probably want to stay secure running an antivirus software.

    The most useful feature of any AV is the real-time protection, catching and monitoring I/O accesses of every process for suspicious activities. This feature can greatly impact on your VMs performances and should be fine-tuned for virtualization.

    So be sure to create an exclusion filter on your real-time protection settings for .vmdk (VMware virtual disk) and .vmem (VMware virtual memory) files. In this way countinous I/O operations on your virtual machines will not be hit by antivirus checking.

    Note: if you plan to run liveCD operating systems (like Knoppix) inside your VMs or simply often use CD images for installing new software, I highly recommend to exclude .iso files too from AV checking.
  2. HostOS disk fragmentation
    A really performance hitter for virtual machines is a fragmented host OS disk.

    VMs virtual disks are very large (4 GBs at minimum on the average) and are created by default as non preallocated. In other words your virtual disk grow as you install more software on the guest OS till reaching your defined disk limit.
    If you use only one physical disk for everyday work and VMs storing, you probably will use space around a growing virtual disk, obliging your host OS to fragment virtual machines more and more.

    So be sure to:
    • Create a dedicated partition for virtual machines only
    • Create guest OSes virtual disks with Allocate all disk space now option
    • Schedule a daily defragmentation for your virtual machines directories (maybe at launch time or during the night)
  3. Memory trimming
    Workstation checks which part of the guest OS virtual memory is not used and allocates it back to the host OS. This permits to have more concurrent virtual machines running but everytime the guest OS asks back for its memory it suffers a performance degradation.

    So, if you have enough free RAM for all planned concurrent VMs, be sure to disable memory trimming for guest OSes adding the following line to the virtual machine configuration (.vmx) file:


    Note: Memory trimming can be disabled through GUI since Workstation 6.0.
  4. Page sharing (quoted from VMware documentation)
    VMware uses a page sharing technique to allow guest memory pages with identical contents to be stored as a single copy-on-write page. Page sharing decreases host memory usage, but consumes system resources, potentially including I/O bandwidth.

    You may want to avoid this overhead for guests for which host memory is plentiful and I/O latency is important. To disable page sharing, add the following line to the virtual machine configuration (.vmx) file:

    sched.mem.pshare.enable=FALSE option

These suggestions will work well for every VMware Workstation 5.x and Player 1.x since both share same engine.


Tuesday 20 October 2009

How To: Hide/Remove the View All Site Content link in SharePoint

How To: Hide/Remove the View All Site Content link in SharePoint

by Mark Wagner
SOURCE: Article:

This article covers how to hide (remove) the View All Site Content link and/or the Recycle Bin link from the quick launch navigation without having to customize the master page.  Additionally, I cover how I accomplished along with other options, all using the standard functionality provided in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

Important:  This solution is not an answer for security.  The user will still have access to the View All Site Content page.  The View All Site Content link is simply removed or hidden from the page.

Applies To

- Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
- Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007


  • There is no license required to use the Hide View All Site Content feature.
  • This is available to the public (business or personal) for free.
  • There is no support.
  • There is no implied or explicit warranty.
  • Use at your own risk.


Hide View All Site Content - Solution Package
Hide View All Site Content - Solution Package and Source Code

Installation and Activation
(Very easy, no coding required)

For those interested in how to install this solution, it is very easy and does not require any coding, compiling, or editing.

Basic Install Steps:

Note: This command must be executed on the (only one) SharePoint web server, and you must be a local administrator.

  1. Add the solution using the STSADM command: stsadm -o addsolution -filename [path]\VASCSiteAction.wsp
  2. Deploy the solution using the STSADM command: stsadm -o deploysolution -name VASCSiteAction.wsp -allowgacdeployment -immediate -allcontenturls
  3. Optional - to restart IIS: iisreset /noforce

Using (Activating) the new feature:

  1. Navigate to the site you want to hide the View All Site Content link.
  2. Go to the Site Settings for that site (Site Actions > Site Settings).
  3. Click the Site Features (not the Site Collection Features) link under the Site Administration section.
  4. Activate the new feature named "Hide the View All Site Content link".

Your View All Site Content link should now be hidden and the View All Site Content link should now appear in the Site Actions menu.

For those only interested in using this solution, you do not need to read any further.  However, for those who are interested in how this is accomplished, the rest of this article discusses just that


Monday 19 October 2009

Trying to put repository onto network drive for Visual SVN server



In case anyone is still interested,  here's how I made it work:


How is it useful to someone.


Ray in Wisconsin



Can I install the VisualSVN Server software on a local server but have the repositories on a network share?





Heres how to do it:

During the installation of VisualSVN Server, simply type in the URL of the network share that you want to house the repositories on.


Or after the install, right click on "VisualSVN Server", choose properties and then change the value od the "Repositories Root" .



I wanted to house the Repository on a netwrok server named "FileServerOne".

There was a share created on that server named "ShareData"

And I was able to create a folder named "Firmwide" inside of "ShareData".

So, I entered the following, into the Repositories Root dialog box during the installation of VisualSVN Server.



Thats it.


Things of note:

At the end of the VisualSVN Server installation process, the installation will attempt to start the VisualSVN Server service.

Depending on what permissions you may have, you may receive a message from the installation process that it was unable to start the VisualSVN Server service.


Heres why that is:

The VisualSVN Server installation process installs a service named VisualSVN Server.

By default, the Local System Account is chosen on the Log On tab.


Heres what I did to remedy that issue:

I left the dialog message that said the VisualSVN Server installation process was unable to start the VisualSVN Server service, on my desktop unanswered.


I opened the VisualSVN Server service to edit it. (see below.)

It was necessary for me to unselect the Local System Account and Select This Account instead.

Then I entered MY, Domain User ID and Password into the dialog boxes and  clicked on OK to save the newly edited service.


Then, I returned to the dialog message on my desktop and clicked on Retry.


At that point the VisualSVN Server installation process was able to start the VisualSVN Server service and all was well.

Accepted Solution

How to Sysprep Windows



How to Sysprep Windows


Every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how to use it. Here are the details so I can find it in the future...


In case you haven't encountered Sysprep before, it is a tool that allows you to create a base OS image (including Windows, Office, Visual Studio, or whatever other applications you want) and then re-package it. You can then create cloned disks (or just copy the whole thing) and when you boot the new disk, it is like booting Windows for the first time, except with all your software installed. You get to choose a new computer name, SIDs are regenerated, etc.


Each version of Windows requires the correct version of Sysprep. Where do you find the correct version of Sysprep? On your install disks in <DVD>:\Support\Tools\ Although System Preparation tool for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Deployment claims to install the Sysprep tool, I've never been able to make it work on my system. So don't bother wasting your time. Go to your original install media and grab the file from there.

Creating the Sysprep Image


   1. Open <DVD>:\Support\Tools\ and extract setupcl.exe, setupmgr.exe, and sysprep.exe to C:\Sysprep. (N.B. C: is your system drive. If you installed Windows to another drive letter, use that drive letter rather than C:.)

   2. Run setupmgr.exe from C:\Sysprep.

   3. The Setup Manager wizard starts. Click Next...

   4. Create new... Next...

   5. Select "Sysprep setup". Next...

   6. Select the correct OS version... Next...

   7. Select "No, do not fully automate the installation"... Next...

   8. Enter Name and Organization, Time Zone, Product Key, and Workgroup or Domain. The other settings can remain defaulted. Note that you don't want to specify the computer name since you will be creating multiple computers from the base image and you don't want to specify the admin password, even encrypted. If the sysprep program can extract the password from the answer file, so can any hacker worth their salt. Click Next... through to the end.

   9. Finish... Save to C:\Sysprep\sysprep.inf. OK...

  10. Wait while Setup Manager finishes. Cancel... (Yes, odd way to exit a program that has completed successfully.)

  11. Run sysprep.exe.

  12. Click OK.

  13. Ensure that "Don't regenerate security identifiers" is UNCHECKED. You want to regenerate the SIDs when each new clone boots.

  14. Click Reseal, OK to confirm that you want to regenerate SIDs, and wait for the system to shut down.


Creating a Cloned Server


   1. If you're using VMWare Workstation, create a linked clone of your Sysprepped server. (You can also create a new linked disk using VirtualPC using File... Virtual Disk Wizard and then creating a new VM using the linked disk.)

   2. Change any VM settings such as memory. DO NOT change number of processors from 1 to 2 as the HAL (hardware abstraction layer) for uni-processor vs. multi-processor Windows is different. Your system will blue screen if you do this.

   3. Boot the cloned server.

   4. The Windows Setup wizard will appear. Next...

   5. Accept the license agreement. Next...

   6. Enter a new computer name and administrator password. Next...

   7. Windows will boot and you can log in with the administrator password you just entered.

   8. When prompted, click "Yes" to update your product activation.

   9. Select "Yes, let's activate Windows over the Internet now". Next...

  10. Select "No, I don't want to register now; let's just activate Windows". Next...

  11. OK...

  12. Update this server... to go to Microsoft Update.

  13. Once you're ensured that your patches are up-to-date, you can close the browser and click Finish... then Yes... on the dialog to start using Windows.


You should now have a fresh copy of Windows. You can create as many cloned servers as you need for your mini-network.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Restart application pool



You can restart a specific Application Pool by using the IIS Manager GUI or using cscript.exe in the command prompt.

Restart Application Pool with IIS Manager:
1) Open IIS Manager.
2) Expand the Server node.
3) Expand the Application Pools folder.
3) Right-click on the application pool that you want to restart and then select Stop.
4) Right-click on the application pool again and then selct Start.

Restart Application Pool with cscript.exe in Command Prompt:
1) In the command prompt, type the following command:

cscript.exe c:\windows\system32\iisapp.vbs /a "DefaultAppPool"


Which w3wp.exe process belongs to which App Pool in IIS6

Which w3wp.exe process belongs to which App Pool in IIS6

Along with Windows Server 2003 and Internet Information Services 6.0 came a large number of benefits. For us IIS admins, it was a great welcome set of changes. But, one apparent difficultly is matching up the w3wp.exe processes displayed in Task Manager to the Application Pools in IIS.

Review of IIS5

In IIS5.0 (Windows 2000 Server), each site that is set to Out Of Process will spin up a new instance of dllhost.exe. Windows Task Manager lists them. Now, the trick is to find out which dllhost.exe matches which site. My favorite way is to use Component Services. To do so, open Component Services from Administrative Tools, drill down to Computers -> My Computer and select COM+ Applications. Now select View from the top menu and select Status. Beside each site that currently has a dllhost.exe process spun up is the Process ID (PID). Using Task Manager, you can tell the memory and CPU.

Note: If the Process ID doesn't display for you in Task Manager, select View -> Select Columns and add it.

What about IIS6?

But, that doesn't work anymore with IIS6.0. Now each site in IIS6 is placed in an Application Pool. Each Application Pool is completely separated from other App Pools by running in its own process called w3wp.exe. This make life SO much easier. Now, the trick is to match up the process shown in Task Manager with the Application Pool set up in IIS.

If there is a different user for each application pool, Windows Task Manager is the easiest way to find out which application pool belongs to which site since Task Manager will display the user the process runs as.

But, what happens if you have multiple application pools running as the same user? For example, if you keep to the default NETWORK SERVICE user but create multiple Application Pools, you may want to know which process belongs to which App Pool. Component Services doesn't work for this anymore.

Enough already, tell me how to do it!

Have no worries, Microsoft has given us the exact tool for the situation. IISApp.vbs lists all the applications, their PID and their App Pool name.

The script is already placed in systemroot\system32 on Windows Server 2003 so simply go to your Command Prompt and type in iisapp.vbs (the .vbs is optional) and you'll have an instant list of all the App Pool information you've always wanted to know. You may need to type cscript iisapp.vbs instead if CScript isn't your default WSH script host.

Let's see an example of the output:

Here is an example of the output.

W3WP.exe PID: 1468 AppPoolId:
W3WP.exe PID: 3056 AppPoolId:
W3WP.exe PID: 1316 AppPoolId:

Direct from the horse's mouth, Microsoft documents this:


We've seen here that using iisapp.vbs, you can painlessly match up the PID to the friendly name of the Application Pool.

all about 64bit